Various events and every day happenings of our quiet life in Port Orange, FL.
Includes community events, travel, home projects, food, gardening and a lot of our pup Rufus.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day and yes, I'm wearing green! I've had corned beef and cabbage cooking all day in the crockpot and we may even go out for a green beer. I'm not even a hint of Irish, but I think DH is a little, so for tradition's sake, we're Irish for the day.

In other green news, we picked up and planted our 4 trunk robellini this weekend. It looks great! I've been having to hand water the azaleas due to the recent heat and drought, and they're looking good too. We had some rain last night, but don't expect any more for at least another week, so more hand watering until they're established. What do you think? And notice the new fence on that side of the house. We're extending it to be flush with the house
Sunday night was the last night launch for the shuttle. It was perfect - so clear we could see everything. Here is Discovery on it's way to space around 7:30pm. The reflection of the sun setting made the smoke look like a rainbow. More photos as viewed from our front lawn on flickr


  1. Wow, that's pretty awesome, seeing the shuttle take off.

    You robellini looks nice, too. Definitely not a Denver-friendly plant.

  2. Everything in your yard looks so nice! I'm sure all the plants will have a very happy home with you, Billy & Rufus taking care of them :-) The house has become a home and your Sanctuary with all you have done. You and Billy should be very proud of all that has been accomplished in such a short time!
    Yep, Shuttle lift off was neat. I've seen so many and even 2 at the Cape, still I never get tired of watching it as long as I can until it disappears from sight into space.
    Aunt Joyce
